Greetings to you all from the blessed God and Father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who has raised him from the dead, and has granted to us his great and awesome promises. From Him we have our being and are gifted salvation by His grace alone. He has made us in His image for the purpose of having communion with Him. This communion nourishes and replenishes the souls of His children who draw near to Him.
All of us, at some point, were drawn to Him and were replenished by His love for us and our spirit rejoiced to be with God, our maker. The joy that fills the heart in that moment is inexpressible and genuine. It is pure and holy because it is given by a holy God to His children. That joy is genuine because the Father wants us to experience His presence, be rejuvenated in our souls, and be satisfied in communion with Him. As human beings, we are wired to repeat experiences that fill us with joy, and the Lord gives us that, so that we may seek His face. We are created in his image to be able to commune with Him, share with Him our struggles, pains, difficulties, and in return we receive peace that passes all understanding.
However, since we are all fallen people, prone to sin, prone to depart from that which is good for us and for our soul, we succumb to various deviations. These deviations in teaching, worship, purpose of gathering, method of service, and good sense, result in deviations from truth. As all worship, service, and access to God is granted to those who worship in spirit and truth, any deviation from truth leaves us prone to error. At first these errors are imperceptible. They are not specifically sin, but rather a subtle question, a question that asks how necessary a particular doctrine or teaching is. If you remember back to the time of our first parents, Adam and Eve, you will see that their fall from grace started with a question as well. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t be curious and ask questions, not at all, we should ask questions and seek answers. However, the bible is our guide to spiritual truth and the answers are found in there. Whereas you have strayed from the scripture, you have turned to the wisdom of the culture around you, and found answers based on our zeitgeist. Ultimately, you fulfilled the work of the devil: establishing your own self as the origin of the knowledge of good and evil.
It is a well-known fact that some answers in the bible are not so smooth and easy, they don’t fit with our ego or our perception of the world. And it is here that the original deviation from truth has its fruit. When the answers given by the creator Himself are not enough for you, you begin to question the truth, rather than questioning how the truth is applicable to you today. I can no longer address you as brothers, because you have stepped too far into your errors and refuse to hear the good word that is able to cleanse your mind and spirit. The wisdom of the world that you have accepted, the one that is ripping your souls apart, is this: truth is not absolute. You believe that people in antiquity were primitive and stupid, but you are wise, therefore, you easily cast away the wisdom gathered over the ages. You believe that this is the furthest that mankind has progressed, and thus, what we understand today is better and wiser than the old. And since our modern world is better, you cast aside all that came before it and embrace all that has come with the new.
However, when you cast away the eternal truth that has been passed down through the ages, you also cast away even the ability to discern right from wrong, and to discern truth from lies. In your midst people use the phrase “your truth” and “my truth.” How can there be multiple truths? Truth, by its nature is exclusive. If any principle is true, then the opposite of that principle cannot be true. That’s at the basis of all reason and thought. Without at least this presupposition, there can be no reasonable thought or discussion. Judge for yourselves, if the bible refers to God as “father,” “our father who art in heaven…” how can you say,
“…Orthodox theology says all human beings are made in the image of God, that God does not have a gender. He encompasses gender – he is both male and female and beyond male and female. So, when we only speak of God in the male form, that’s actually giving us a deficient understanding of who God is.”
Rev Jody Stowell
That’s not all, there are some among you who consider God, “the great Queer one,” (YouTube: “the great queer one”). But God says in his word, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination,” (Leviticus 18). You call on the name of the Lord and blatantly defy his word. You lie about what pleases Him and what stirs His wrath; and many such things you do. Remember for your own good, that God is not mocked, what you sow is what you will reap. If you sow defiance, you will reap death.
Your defiance has been around for decades. You chose to obey insanity because the truth was too unpopular for you. It would interfere with your idols that you have set up to comfort yourselves. But know this, the way of truth has never been, nor will ever be easy. It will never be popular, it will never be lauded by the masses, instead it will be ridiculed, it will be hated, and it will be persecuted. That’s why the apostle says, “the cowardly will not inherit the kingdom of God.” But God, being rich in mercy, has not punished you as your inequities deserve. He has sent his servants to you for years, to turn you from your evil and wicked ways. He has been patient and gracious for as long as you have openly defied Him, but you continue in your sins.
That’s why you have so many diseases, that’s why you have no peace, that’s why you have no joy. That’s why you seek redemption through social justice, by forcing everyone around you to bow to your idol, so that you may feel justified in your accomplishment of the will of your gods.
God has seen your evil; God has been calling you to repent of your sins but have not heeded the command of the Lord; but have went on sinning gathering wrath on yourselves for the day of wrath. The Lord has seen and deemed it deserving death. But to those who truly wish to know the Lord, to experience peace, righteousness, healing, and cleansing of your soul, the Lord says:
“Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him…” (Joel 2)
Some may ask what is there to repent of? Plenty. First and foremost, you must repent of your abandonment God and His word. Then you must repent of all the deeds you have done because of your abandonment of scripture. Your pride and arrogance have twisted your mind so far that what you consider good is: twisting the entire order of creation. Instead of weeping and mourning for your sins, you not only indulge in them yourselves, but also give approval to those who practice them. Repent or you will perish.
I would call you to remember the words spoken by the apostle Paul, that even if he or an angel from heaven were to teach a different gospel, let him be accursed. But there are many of you who have accepted a different gospel, not that there is another one. For all ideas, principles, authorities, and even people that raise themselves against the knowledge of God will be defeated and cast into the lake of fire.
That is not what the Lord, the creator of the universe, had intended for man, for hell was made for the devil and his angels. As I mentioned at the very beginning, man was designed and created for communion with God. When we lose that communion, we feel empty; and in our desperate need to fill the void, we seek momentary, finite pleasures and distractions that vanish as we consume them. But the Lords’ gifts are joy, peace, righteousness, genuine love (not the corrupt slogan you use “love is love”), hope, and eternal life. God’s grace is still open to those who call upon His name for forgiveness and come to Him with a humble heart.
Gods grace is available today, it is free of charge, but the only cost is your selfish ego that needs to be cast aside. Only then will you have eyes to see how wretched and sinful you have become and how much you need to be cleansed. I urge you, abandon this insanity, repent and return to the Lord, that you may become an unleavened loaf in sincerity and truth. “Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make you as white as snow,” declares the Lord (Is 1:18). If you return to the Lord in truth, not in pretense, the Lord’s promise is that He will pour out peace and grace like a river. He will fill your soul with peace while you live and even when the time comes to pass into eternity, you will be raised from the dead to live forever in a new flesh that cannot die and cannot be corrupted. I hope you hear what the Lord is saying to you today.
To God who never changes, and who has all the power and authority, be eternal glory and honor forever. Amen.
If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you. Your feedback is always appreciated!